5 Life Changing Habits
We often make a lot of promises to self everyday at night, that we are going to wake up early the next day or to work out or to reach office in time or eat healthy food but we fail to push ourselves to maintain the promises day after day.
It is said that if one wants to cultivate a habit or change one, then it takes exactly 21 days. The challenge is to push ourselves so that we can get into the habits, if we want to become a better person every day.
Here are 5 life changing habits one can cultivate in 2020:
Journaling every day before going to bed about how your day went or what good things happened with you and something that pissed you off, something you achieved or something you are grateful for. You can do this to get it off your chest and sleep peacefully. Some people like to write their journal after getting up from bed, making a to-do list or reminders for the day.
The regular habit will keep you focussed and organised about the day. You can go back and track your progress. This will also improve your concentration in work and will help you not push your things for the next day. This will also give you some time off your phone and social media trap.
In the social media age, we absorb enormous amount of content but hardly anything sticks to our brain or help us grow. Social media is an amazing tool to stay connected with so many people at a time and what not but when it comes to learning new things, we hardly use it for that purpose.
Hence make it a habit of reading a few pages of a book of your choice for at least 10 minutes a day. It will help you in improving your imagination, vocabulary, and command over a language, learning about a character, your memory power and will help you keep off the stress for some time.
Meditation and Yoga:
Life is becoming stressful every day; we are being subjected to diseases, office pressure to meet deadlines, to keep our family protected and to always be there for them. We are losing our temper, eating unhealthy and living a deadly lifestyle.
Meditation and yoga are the boon to mankind; a few minutes off the stress can help in the long run. Little stretching, few minutes of yoga and meditation can help keep the mind cool and can keep you prepared for the stress and pressure, the day has in store for you.
Care and love yourself:
We are so tangled between office work, pleasing the boss, team mates and taking care of our family needs that we are forgetting ourselves. It is good to take care of all but it is equally important to take care of yourself and show some love to one self because they need you too.
Go for a relaxing massage session, do sin care routines, eat healthy food and drink healthy juices rather than damaging your organs with gallons of liquor. Show some care and love to your body, emotions and soul.
Help someone:
The world is becoming a selfish place, we do not pay attention to others suffering unless and until the problem has reached us. A simple act of kindness can go a long way.
Cultivate the habit of helping someone else, it can be your family member, your maid, driver or a stranger on your way back from office in a completely selfless way and you will find a new energy unfolding within you. The help can be as small as preparing tea for your parents or spouse, helping someone cross the road or carry grocery bags for someone will give you sense of satisfaction.
Try to spend a little as 15-20 minutes in each habit and you will feel the difference after 21 days, what miraculous change will happen in your life.