Are Baked Potato Chips Healthy? Read On To Know About It
There was a time when fried potato chips ruled our hearts. But things have changed drastically. The new age consumers are willing to spend on baked potato chips that are making the fried ones an ancient thing.
But are baked potato chips that healthier while we are tossing our bags with them into our shopping carts? Let’s take a closer look and understand it.
Are baked potato chips healthy?
It is believed that the consumption of baked potato chips in a limited amount is a healthy eating habit. About 15 baked potato chips carry 15 percent fewer calories as compared to the fried ones. Also, they contain 50 percent less fat followed by 68 percent less saturated fat. Thus, if you decide the nutritional level of food on fats and calories, then sure shot baked potato chips are a healthier option to intake.
Are they not healthy?
The healthfulness of food depends on other major factors as well besides just the calorie and fat count. Baked potato chips lack behind in the normal Vitamin C count that is recommended on a daily basis. Baked potato chips contain 4 percent of Vitamin C as compared to 10 percent found in fried potato chips.
In terms of sodium quantity, baked potato chip wins the race with the fried ones. Baked potato chips account a total of 258 milligrams of sodium where fried ones account a total of 147 milligrams.
Also, baked potato chips are a rich source of acrylamides that are popularly known as a cancer-causing chemical. This chemical is formed when foods that are rich in high carbs like potatoes are heated to high temperatures. In fact, the FDA found that the baked potato chips carry approximately 4 times more acrylamides than the normal fried potato chips.
Remember that mindlessly munching of the huge amount of baked or fried potato chips could add an extra amount of fats, calories, and other essential nutritional elements that could turn out to be concerning factor for your healthy body.
The verdict
While baked potato chips could reduce the number of fats and calories, they also are chomping on more sodium, Vitamin C, and acrylamides that could be a concerning scenario. Therefore, occasional munching of any potato chips could be considered healthy. Make it a guest appearance for shaping your healthy body along with enjoying the unique taste of potato chips.