Some Amazing and Weird Facts about the Human Body
Our body is no less than a wonderland. In fact, you could consider it as a wonderland where disgusting, mysterious, miraculous, and weird things keep on happening every now and then. Scientists believe that a human body is perhaps the most complex machine that operates on a daily basis round the clock.
Didn’t you ever think how amazing and creepy our body is in functionality?
Bloggers Globe highlights some amazing human body facts that one can later flaunt with how much you know about it.
#1 Cornea
The cornea is the only part of our human body which has no blood supply. It gets oxygen directly from the air.
#2 Body Fat
You might be amazed to know that our whole human body contains enough fat that could actually make seven bars of soap. Interesting, isn’t it?
#3 Bones
During the life span of an individual, or between birth and death, the human body goes from having 300 bones to just 206. An infant is believed to have 300 bones where an adult is supposed to have 206 as compared to a child.
#4 Heart
Did you ever imagine what will happen to a heart if it’s taken out from a human body? If you had then here is the answer. A heart will continue to beat for a fixed interval of time despite being removed from the body.
#5 Blush
I can bet on that this pointer will bring a smile on your face while you will be reading it. Whenever we blush, the inside of our stomach does the same.
#6 Diving Reflex
A human body is designed in such manner that is has an alternative to almost every situation. Humans are acquired by ‘diving reflex’ that automatically shuts down bodily functions when a body is submerged in water, preventing drowning.
#7 Brain
A human brain is believed to be one of the most important organs of the human body. It is interesting to know that a human brain can survive without oxygen for five to ten minutes.
#8 Extreme Starvations
This one is indeed a weird and creepy fact about a human body. In cases of extreme starvations, a human body is designed in such manner that the brain will start eating itself.
#9 Blood Vessels
A human body is a webbed packed of blood vessels. Approximately, a human body consists of more than 1 lakh miles of blood vessels.
#10 Pregnancy Brain
Pregnancy brains are for real. Women’s brain actually ends up shrinking during pregnancy. This is why most women during pregnancy tend to forget many things.