World Heart Day: 5 Healthy Habits to keep your Heart Healthy

World Heart Day: 5 Healthy Habits to keep your Heart Healthy

On September 29, every year World Heart Day is celebrated to spread awareness about how people can prevent cardiac issues and reduce the burden caused by cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). World Heart Day was instituted by the World Heart Federation in collaboration with the World Health Organization.

The death of actor-comedian Raju Srivastava, who had spent more than 40 days in the hospital, has once again brought attention to the high mortality rate associated with cardiac problems.


Beliefs behind the Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are one of the main causes of death worldwide. The two main causes of these deaths were coronary heart disease and strokes.

Many individuals have the impression that CVD affects more people in industrialized nations because they rely more heavily on technology and lead sedentary lifestyles. However, middle-income and low-income nations account for more than 80% of deaths. Fortunately, the primary factors of cardiovascular diseases—such as inactivity, smoking, and a poor diet—can be changed.


Habits to Make your Heart Healthy 

Our daily habits are the primary cause of the majority of cardiac diseases. By cultivating heart-healthy habits and avoiding dangerous behaviors, you can keep your heart in peak condition. Blogger Globe highlights some healthy habits which will help everyone in taking care of their heart.


1. Exercise & Physically active

Spend at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, becoming physically active. The more we exercise our hearts, the stronger they get. Every single action counts for cardiovascular advantages. When feasible, avoid elevators and take the stairs instead. As an alternative, it would be beneficial if you choose to walk short distances as opposed to utilizing a vehicle. You can also take the help of Yoga which Prevents heart diseases.

2. Stop Smoking

High blood pressure is brought on by smoking or chewing tobacco, which destroys heart arteries. The risk of heart attack is significantly reduced by quitting smoking. So Quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption as far as possible.

3. Limit the use of Salt

Research shows that dietary sodium intake might cause high blood pressure to drop within days of reduction. Thus, try to limit the intake of salt in daily use. This little habit has significant cardiovascular advantages. A low-sodium diet combined with two cups of fresh fruit and two and a half cups of veggies per day can work wonders to remove cholesterol from your blood vessels.

4. Reduce stress

Getting enough sleep reduces your stress hormones. Keeping gadgets away from your bedside should be your first priority before sleeping. Practice relaxation techniques including breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation. These are some other tried-and-true ways to reduce stress.

5. Healthy Diet

Consider a diet that is high in fiber, high in protein, and low in fat. Eat a full breakfast to keep you satisfied throughout the day. Lunch and dinner should be considerably less than breakfast.

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