K-Beauty Trend Dumpling Skin

K-Beauty Trend Dumpling Skin

The dumpling skin is definitely the newest beauty trend to focus on as the cosmetic sphere continues to evolve at a rapid pace. The Korean beauty trends have hit the global beauty market by storm, introducing several new techniques for achieving a glowing, shiny, and mesmerizing skin tone equipped enough to flaunt your beauty.

Dumpling skin represents an ultra-hydrated, juicy, and plump complexion that comes along with luminous, dewy skin. The phenomenon is gradually attaining pace in the modern-age beauty sphere, becoming a viral trend, attracting people to emulate the high-shine doughy appearance.

What is this beauty regime?

Coined by New York's famous makeup artist, 'Nam Vo', the dumpling beauty regime refers to that plump, sheen, and doughy you get while your highlighter is on precise point. It's a magical look in action that taking the entire world by storm, especially cosmetic enthusiasts.

What is the procedure to achieve this?

There are several procedures or tips that can be adhered to for creating this trademark glow, embracing it in your own life.

1. Skincare is the key: Don't be quick to assume that the dumpling-look focuses on only highlighters and illuminators. Rather, it simply starts with a good skincare regime. Start being mindful, taking proper care of your skin using a good moisturizer that can exfoliate the skin.

2. Highlighters are essential: It's recommended to use a cream or liquid highlighter while putting up highlighter to the high points of the face. It will eventually help to create glassy, dewy skin for a glowing and bright one.

3. Go for primers: There's no point in applying any makeup if it's not going to last throughout the entire day. Isn't it? Start with the right preparation, that's using primers, ensuring all-day glow. This will help the makeup to stay longer on your face, absorbing oils that the skin usually produces throughout the day.

Can one do it at home?

It is definitely possible to get the dumpling skin look through this regime as the trend is primarily about a solid skincare routine that can be easily practiced at home. It simply includes a rock-hard skincare routine that includes:

Using a whole lot of good sunscreen

Along with the above-mentioned ways, lightweight foundation and concealers are required for allowing the natural skin to shine through. Foundations and cream-based primers are usually considered best for this trendy look.

Image Credit: Deposit Photos

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