Pawanmuktasana: Method, Benefits, and Precautions | A Yoga for Weight Loss

Pawanmuktasana: Method, Benefits, and Precautions | A Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga is not only limited to mental health, it also helps in maintaining good physical health. in today's time, there is a tremendous awareness of yoga's benefits. In this blog, we will be covering one more important yoga pose Pawanmuktasana, and will know how it benefits our body.

Table of Content

1 What is Pawanmuktasana
2 Preparation of Pawanmuktasana
3 How to do Pawanmuktasana
4 Health Benefits of Pawanmuktasana
5 Time Spent in the Pose
6 Precautions
7 Live Video


What is Pawanmuktasana

Pawanmuktasana is a Sanskrit word that is made up of 3 words.
Pawan: Air, Gas
Mukat: Release, Relieving
Asana: Pose

This pose is very helpful for our entire digestive system. In fact, it is a suitable aasan to start your day which releases digestive gases from the stomach and intestines. Pawanmuktasana is not a physically exhausting posture. The longer you hold the pose, the more it is beneficial for the body.


 Preparation of Pawanmuktasana

  1. For Better results, do this aasan in the early morning so that all the trapped gases in your digestive tract are released
  2. Yoga must be practiced at least four to six hours after a meal when your stomach and bowels are both empty.
  3. This should be one of the first asanas you practiced as once the tract gases are released it makes other aasan easy

How to do Pawanmuktasana

           Pawanmuktasana Steps

  1. Lay flat on your back on a level surface and make sure your feet are together and your arms are next to your body
  2. Relax in this position and take a deep breath.
  3. Now exhale and bring your knees close to your chest and rest your thighs on your abdomen
  4. Now, with your hands firmly clenched together, let your thighs press on your stomach.
  5. Try to raise your head and chest off the floor resulting chin should touch the knees.
  6. Hold the pose as long as you can while taking a deep breath
  7. Bring your head, then your legs, down to complete the posture.
  8. After each round, unwind your body by taking enough rest.

Health Benefits of Pawanmuktasana

Pawanmuktasana is a useful pose for physical and mental well-being. Below are some benefits of gas release pose

  1. Improves Digestive system
  2. Helps in reducing fat around the belly and waist.
  3. Increases blood circulation to all internal organs
  4. Relieves constipation and digestive disorders
  5. Strengthens the muscles in the lower back and eases the vertebrae of the spine.
  6. Release stress from the neck and back by stretching them
  7. Releases any trapped gases in the large intestine.
  8. Stretches the shoulder, hip, and spinal muscles.

Time Spent in the Pose

Start holding the final pose for 10 seconds and increased it slowly up to 1 min. You can repeat the steps 2 to 3 times.


Yoga poses involve complex steps that must be performed with the right safety measures. When practicing, failing to follow important safety precautions could result in serious issues. Before doing Pawanmuktasana, you must keep these precautions in mind

  1. As there is a lot of strain on the abdomen, it must be avoided if there has recently been abdominal surgery.
  2. Never practice this aasan, if you have issues like hyperacidity, high blood pressure, neck problems, shoulder problem, or slipped discs
  3. if suffering from hernia or piles should avoid this yoga pose.
  4. Avoid applying excessive pressure from the thighs to the chest.
  5. This pose should not be performed by Pregnant women.
  6. Patients with cardiac conditions shouldn't practice Pawanmuktasana since it could be fatal.


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