Gift Your Body the Benefits of Power Yoga
This rapid life, where stress, tension, work pressure, poor food habits, unhealthy sleep timings and constant bombardment of chemicals and harmful radiations through mobile phones, laptops and whatnot, has been the main reason for which, the human body has become the host of several fatal diseases.
Due to these unhealthy habits of food, sleep, and lifestyle, one is prone to become obese or overweight, which leads to heart attack, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Thus to overcome all this, we are all blessed with the age-old formula, yoga. Regular practice of yoga not only makes one fit and flexible but also builds stamina and brings inner peace and positivity.
Here are a few benefits of Power Yoga, which will help in losing unhealthy weight:
Relieving stress:
Stress is something, which leads to various unhealthy habits such as eating too many chocolates or ice cream. For some people, stress leads to excess consumption of alcohol and smoking, which ultimately starts reflecting on body weight?
Through power yoga, the stress will get directed towards inhaling and exhaling process and keeping the concentration at one point.
Thus power yoga helps in bursting the stress bubble, forming in the body and makes it fell relaxed.
Therefore power yoga relieves stress and provides inner peace.
Tones down body:
Power yoga consists of a lot of exercise and movement of muscles, which results in improved blood circulation. Blood circulation provides sufficient oxygen to each cell and releases carbon dioxide; the excessive fat in the body breaks into water and carbon dioxide and comes out of the body in the form of sweat and urea.
Thus power yoga slims down the body or you can say tones down the body to its healthy state.
Improves metabolism:
Due to exercise and loss of water in the body, it demands food to break it down into energy, in order to use it further.
Dehydration or loss of water in the body improved the intake of water.
The water cleans the intestine and to balance the movement of bile juices, which the body secretes crave for food.
One puts on weight when the food habits and sleep habits are irregular. Power yoga makes the body demand food in the right interval of time and when the body consumes food, it will provide timely sleep.
Regular food and regular sleep will make the body healthy and mind free.
The benefits of power yoga demand dedication and determination, excessive or recessive of which can cause severe health hazards.
So keeping the pros and cons in balance, enjoy power yoga and help your body gets relaxed.